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来源:江苏省农科所1967年育成,原代号67—234(恒进×栗子香)。1972年引入北京。品种特性:叶形三角,皮色深红,肉色淡黄。耐肥、耐湿,早熟,结薯集中。食味干面,蔓长中,薯块萌芽少。春薯切干率35%,夏薯切干率30%。抗黑斑病力较差。示范试种情况:1972年作春、夏薯试种,作春薯时鲜薯产量此“胜利百号”增产22.8%,薯干增产45.2%,作夏薯时,由于结薯早,此胜利百号增产50%以上。突出优点是结薯早,生育期短,而能保证相当的产量。最晚可在8月初栽插,亩产尚能达千斤(鲜薯)。1974年在 Source: Jiangsu Provincial Agricultural Institute bred in 1967, the original code 67-234 (Heng Jin × chestnut incense). Introduced to Beijing in 1972. Variety characteristics: leaf-shaped triangle, skin color crimson, flesh color yellow. Tolerance to fat, moisture, precocious, end potato concentration. Taste dry noodles, vine long, potato sprouts less. Cut the rate of sweet potato 35%, sweet potato cut rate of 30%. Anti-black spot disease is poor. Demonstration test situation: In 1972 for spring, sweet potato try planting sweet potatoes when the production of this “Victory 100 ” increased yield 22.8%, 46.2% increase in dried potato, sweet potato, due to early tuber, this Victory 100 more than 50% increase. Outstanding advantage is tuber early, short growth period, and can guarantee a considerable yield. The latest planted in early August, still can reach kilogram per mu (fresh potato). In 1974
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目的:探讨侧前路病灶清除植骨融合内固定术治疗脊柱结核的疗效。  方法:回顾性分析2006年1月至2011年6月期间在我院接受侧前路病灶清除植骨融合内固定术治疗并获得随访的21例
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目的:对1周岁内开始应用Ponseti方法治疗的先天性马蹄内翻足患儿进行疗效分析,评价该方法在婴儿期治疗先天性马蹄内翻足的临床疗效。  方法:收集随访2008年10月~2013年1月门诊
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目的:   探讨ATP敏感性钾通道(KATP通道)开放剂二氮嗪对大鼠脑缺血后神经血管单元中血脑屏障(BBB)损伤的保护作用及其分子机制。   方法:   75只健康雄性Wistar大鼠随