所谓请求权竞合是指因具体的民事行为同时违反了两种以上法律规范 ,具有两种以上法律关系的特征 ,从而在法律上同时产生多种民事责任 ,亦即同一法律事实符合数个法律规范的条件 ,致使产生这数个法律规范都可以适用的一种法律现象。在人身保险实务中 ,因第三人的行为所致被保险人死亡、伤残或者疾病的保险事故屡见不鲜 ,此时会产生被保险人也就是受害人如何请求保险赔偿和侵权赔偿的竞合问题。本文从法理上分析了在人身保险中因第三人的行为导致保险事故而产生的请求权竞合的现象 ,并提出了解决的方法 ,同时 ,结合《保险法》的相关规定 ,提出了如何解决请求权竞合与保险代位求偿权的冲突问题。
The so-called competing claims refers to the characteristics of more than two kinds of legal relations because of specific civil acts that violate more than two kinds of legal norms at the same time, so as to have multiple civil liabilities in law at the same time, that is, the same legal facts conform to several laws The standard conditions, resulting in a number of legal norms can apply a legal phenomenon. In the practice of life insurance, the accident of death, disability or illness of the insured person due to the behavior of the third party is frequent. At this time, there arises the problem of how the insurer, that is, the victim, requests the compensation of the insurance and the tort. . This paper analyzes the phenomenon of the competing claims arising from the insurance accident in the personal insurance because of the action of the third party, and puts forward the solution method. At the same time, this article puts forward the solution to the “Insurance Law” Conflicts between claim competing and insurance subrogation.