6月11日-13日,备受瞩目的第十四届世界杯插花花艺大赛在德国柏林举办。韩国选手崔·亚历克斯(Alex Choi)、英国选手尼尔·惠特克(Neil Whittaker)和芬兰选手哈珀·科皮(Pirjo Koppi)包揽前三甲。江苏选手倪志翔代表中国参赛,“神秘箱”作品获得单项第一名。冠军崔·亚历克斯(韩国)作品在插法、空间布局、设计理念上都进行了大胆尝试。作品采用现代自然风设计手法,将人工形态与自然形态完美结合。人工雕筑的弧线形木板,衬托着自然生长的花卉,瞬间产生强烈的视觉冲击力。作品整体营造出了热带雨林氛围,又似乎将大自然的美浓缩在居家环境中。
June 11-13, the highly anticipated 14th World Cup Flower Arrangement Contest was held in Berlin, Germany. South Korea’s Alex Choi, British player Neil Whittaker and Finnish player Pirjo Koppi dominated the top three. Jiangsu contestant Ni Zhixiang on behalf of China’s competition, “mystery box ” works won first place. Champion Cui Alex (South Korea) works in interpolation, spatial layout, design concepts have made a bold attempt. Works using modern natural wind design techniques, the perfect combination of artificial form and natural form. Artificially carved arc-shaped wood, set against the natural growth of flowers, instantly produce a strong visual impact. The work as a whole created a tropical rain forest atmosphere, but also seems to enrich the beauty of nature in the home environment.