中国国际名酒城主要服务于中外名酒生产、经销企业和金融财团以及与名酒有关的企业。 (1) 据不完全统计,中国目前有各种酿酒企业五万余家,属轻工总会行业管辖的省、部优以上的各类名酒企业就有一千多家;国内贸易部、农业部管辖的尚未统计。这些名酒企业在当地均属利税大户,每年创税利少则千万元,多则三、四个亿。联合起来,走国际化经营道路;联合起来,规范酒类市场,打击假冒伪劣,可以说是名酒企业的共同心愿。 (2) 全国现有省、市级糖酒公司、酒类商品进出口公司,以及与酒有关的包装、印刷机械等企业也是数以万计,长期以来这些企业与名酒生产企业有着唇齿相依的关系,当名酒生产企业跻身于中国国际名酒城的时候,这些企业也会蜂涌而至。
China International Famous Wine City mainly serves Chinese and foreign famous wine producers, distribution companies and financial consortia as well as companies related to famous wines. (1) According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 50,000 breweries in China, and there are more than 1,000 wine companies of various provinces and ministries with jurisdiction over the light industry; the domestic trade department and agriculture Ministry of jurisdiction has not yet statistics. These famous wine companies are large profits and taxes in the local area. The annual tax profits are as low as 10 million yuan, and as many as 3 or 4 billion yuan. It is a common wish of famous wine enterprises to unite and take the road of internationalized management; to unite to regulate the wine market and combat counterfeiting and inferiority. (2) There are also tens of thousands of companies in the country, including provincial and municipal sugar and alcohol companies, wine import and export companies, and wine-related packaging and printing machinery. These enterprises have long-term relationships with famous wine producers. , when the wine production enterprises among the China International Wine City, these companies will also come.