汉斯·克雷布斯(Hans Krebs,1900—1981)于1900年8月初生于德国北部的一个小城镇。从小爱读百科全书及科普读物。18岁入大学时,立志学医,毕业于弗赖堡医学院。毕业前他参加了有关老师的实验研究工作,使他有机会了解到化学、物理对生物、医学研究的重要影响。1925年获医学博士学位后,放弃了收入较高的医生职业,投身于基础科学研究。从1926年1月起,他到凯撒·威廉研究所瓦伯(Otto Warburg,1883—1970)实验室工作了四年。
Hans Krebs (1900-1981) was born in a small town in northern Germany in early August 1900. He loved reading encyclopedias and popular science books. When he was 18, he decided to study medicine and graduated from Freiburg Medical School. Before graduation, he participated in the experimental research work of the relevant teacher, so that he had the opportunity to understand the important influence of chemistry and physics on biology and medical research. After receiving a doctorate in medicine in 1925, he gave up the higher-paying doctor profession and devoted himself to basic scientific research. From January 1926, he spent four years in the laboratory of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute Otto Warburg (1833-1970).