恶性肿瘤仍是当今人类医学需攻克的难题之一.外科手术、化疗和放疗等多种抗肿瘤治疗方式的联合应用,使癌症患者的预后及远期生存率有了很大的改善,但同时也带来了化疗所致的心血管不良事件.蒽环类化疗药物的心脏毒性众所周知,相应的机制也一度成为研究的热门,同样非蒽环类对心脏的损害亦不容忽视,可惜的是在研究及临床工作中并未引起足够重视.现针对各类化疗药物可能导致的心脏毒性、评估手段及防治做一综述,以期为临床应用提供更多借鉴.“,”Cancer tumor is one of a huge challenge to human medicine today. Combination of surgery,chemotherapy and radiotherapy and other anti-tumor treatment,has dramatically improved the prognosis of cancer patients and long-term survival rate,but at the same time it brought cardiovascular adverse events caused by chemotherapy. Anthracycline cardiotoxicity is well-known,and corresponding mechanism had become a research hotspot. However,the damage to the heart of gnonanthracycline cardiotoxicity should not to be ignored. Unfortunately it did not attach close attention in research and clinical work. Aiming at all kinds of chemotherapy drugs which cause cardiotoxicity,assessment method and therapy is summarized,in order to provide more reference for clinical medicine.