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用激光云纹干涉法研究了黄铜在氨水溶液中应力腐蚀过程中缺口前端位移场和应变场的变化结果表明,在应力腐蚀裂纹萌生前,溶解(腐蚀)过程本身能使缺口前端塑性区增大,与此同时也使塑性区中各点的塑性变形量增大,即溶解过程本身能促进塑性变形。 The change of displacement field and strain field in the front of notch of brass in stress corrosion process of ammonia solution was studied by laser moire patterning. The results show that the dissolution (corrosion) process itself can increase Large, at the same time, the plastic deformation at various points in the plastic zone also increases, that is, the dissolution process itself can promote plastic deformation.
浣溪沙·一曲新词酒一杯  [北宋] 晏殊  一曲新词酒一杯,去年天气旧亭台。夕阳西下几时回?  无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。小园香径独徘徊。  晏殊(991—1055),字同叔,北宋临川(今江西抚州市)人。他是北宋初期的重要作家,擅长诗词,尤以写词著名。他很讲究词的意境,其词语言凝炼自然,风格含蓄婉丽。  一般传诵的古典诗词往往有这样两种情况:一是整个作品不错,而且不乏名句;一是整个作品很难说