温州发电厂二期循环水管 ,穿过老厂区 ,施工场地狭窄 ,周围管线复杂 ,又地处沿海典型饱和软土地 ,土层地质条件极差。经过技术与经济分析 ,基坑开挖决定采用土钉 +桩 +锚复合支护方案。该方案充分考虑了基坑周围的特殊情况 ,并经慎重的变形验算。在施工过程中对支护体系进行了原位监测 ,监测表明达到了预期效果。
The second-phase circulating water pipe of Wenzhou Power Plant passes through the old factory area, the construction site is narrow, the surrounding pipelines are complex, and it is located in a typical soft saturated land along the coast. The soil geological conditions are extremely poor. After technical and economic analysis, the foundation pit excavation decided to adopt the composite support scheme of soil nails, piles and anchors. The program fully considered the special situation around the pit and carefully checked the deformation. During the construction process, the support system was monitored in-situ and monitoring showed that it had achieved the desired results.