影片讲述两个年轻女生,由冲突、陌生到熟知、好感到相恋、抗拒再到勇敢面对、去爱的纯情过程。两个最喜欢玩“是”或“否”游戏的女生Pie和Kim在面对父母,社会,Pie的旧爱,以及美丽妖娆的第三者时,她们是否还会勇敢地牵手,走到最后,Yes or No?青春的声音、浪漫的纯情、单纯的心动、干净的画面、斑斓的色彩,整部电影情节给人一种活泼温馨的感觉。
The film tells the story of two young girls, from conflict, strange to well-known, so feel fell in love, resist to brave face to love the innocent process. Two of the girls who love to play “yes ” or “no ” games Pie and Kim bravely hold hands when they face parents, society, old love of Pie, and beautiful, enchanting third parties In the end, Yes or No? Youth voice, romantic innocence, simple heart, clean images, gorgeous colors, the whole movie plot gives a lively feeling.