倡导生态文明 弘扬草原文化

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一、草原文化中的生态思想草原文化生态思想的基本体现———崇尚自然。崇尚自然的草原文化理念,通过多种形式表现在生产、生活、意识形态中:遵循自然规律的四季轮牧、低干扰的简约生活方式、人人珍爱一切生命的意识、保护水源的习惯以及草原保护等道德价值理念等等。热爱草原,以仁爱之心对待自然,将这种热爱上升为一种伦理道德,形成综合性生态保护制度。生态保护意识在崇尚自然的理念指引下形成了一种社会氛围。生态文明观强调人的自觉与自律,人与自然环境的相互 First, the ecological thinking of grassland culture The basic embodiment of grassland cultural ecology - advocating nature. The concept of grassland culture advocating nature is manifested through various forms in production, life and ideology: the round-roaming pastures following the laws of nature, the simple lifestyle with low disturbance, the sense of cherishing everybody’s life, the habit of protecting water sources and the protection of grasslands Such as the concept of moral values ​​and so on. Prairie love, with a kind heart treatment of nature, this kind of love rose to an ethic, the formation of a comprehensive ecological protection system. Awareness of ecological protection in the nature of the idea of ​​guiding the formation of a social atmosphere. Ecological civilization emphasizes man’s self-awareness and self-discipline, and between man and the natural environment
阿尔泰,蒙古族诗人,内蒙古锡盟太仆寺旗人,自治区劳动模范,享受国务院特殊津贴专家。现任中国作协主席团委员,中国少数民族作家学会副会长,内蒙古作协主席、文联副主席。 Al