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  B2B Exhibition Industry Ended 2020 at a Standstill though 2021 Looks Brighter
  On 17 March 2021, the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) reports that the U.S. business-to-business (B2B) exhibition industry in the fourth quarter remained at a grinding halt, with all but about three percent of events originally scheduled in the fourth quarter cancelled. As a result of many cancellations, the CEIR Total Index, a measure of exhibition industry performance, registered a 98.3% decline from a year ago (see Figure 1). The impact on the U.S. economy was far more moderate, registering a 2.4% year-over-year decline of real (inflationadjusted) GDP. It increased at an annual rate of 4.1% from the previous quarter. GDP had been somewhat boosted by continued reopening of businesses, strong residential investment, and online and other consumer goods purchases. Despite the gradual economic recovery seen in the fourth quarter, the exhibition industry remained largely stalled given the persistence of COVID-19 which had a continued, devastating impact on group meetings. A third wave of the virus after Labor Day prompted a number of states to pull back on reopening their economies and impose stringent group size limitations, all contributing to lack of trade show activity. As a result, the decline in the Total Index as compared to GDP is far worse than was seen in 2009, the darkest period of the Great Recession(see Figure 2). About three percent of events did take place, mostly small, regional events. The continuance of stringent rules imposed by states and municipalities, as well as ongoing no-travel corporate policies, caused most events scheduled for the fourth quarter to be canceled or postponed to 2021 or later. These are cited as the top two reasons why B2B exhibition organizers say they were forced to cancel, according to CEIR’s June 2020 poll. These policies mute participation potential. Other opinion polls tracking consumer sentiment in 2020 recorded reluctance to travel, with air travel rates well below 2019 levels.
  Excluding the cancelled events during the fourth quarter, the Total Index dropped by 34.4%. All exhibition metrics posted sharp year-overyear declines, as shown in Figure 3. Exhibitors suffered the largest fall of 37.0%, followed by attendees plunging by 36.5%. Net Square Feet(NSF) decreased 33.1% whereas Real Revenues tumbled 30.7% from a year ago.
  Exhibitions held prior to the lockdowns, which started 15 March 2020, prevented a total loss for the year. Nonetheless, for the year as a whole, the Total Index in 2020 plunged 78.8% from a year ago. Excluding cancellations, the Total Index was flat, declining a modest 0.2%.   The U.S. economy has been growing since May 2020. With a sharp rebound in the third quarter and a continued recovery in the fourth quarter, real GDP in Q4 2020 was only 2.4% below its peak in the fourth quarter of 2019. For the year, GDP contracted a modest -3.5%.
  Recent monthly economic indicators point to robust growth in the first quarter of 2021, fueled by surges in personal consumption expenditures, residential construction and other business investment. Economic activity will accelerate in the second quarter as more people are vaccinated and the impact of the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package starts to kick in. CEIR expects real GDP to surpass its previous peak by mid-year.

  “The strong underlying macroeconomic factors should lay a firm foundation of support to the B2B exhibition industry when state and local governments ease restrictions on group gatherings during the second half of 2021,” said CEIR Economist Allen Shaw, Ph.D., Chief Economist for Global Economic Consulting Associates, Inc. The Biden Administration sets 31 May as its target for having enough supply to cover the entire adult population. On 11 March, President Biden directed states and other jurisdictions to make all adults eligible by 1 May. He envisioned a semblance of normalcy by July 4th.
  Other indicators are also pointing to a more positive outlook that bodes well for the trade show industry. TSA check point numbers are improving significantly. The seven-day average ending 14 March jumped nearly 75% from early February, though still down by 51% compared to the seven- day average ending 14 March 2019. Also, according to Arriva list tracking of actual driving trends, driving habits have rebounded to pre-COVID levels, with the percentage of trips of 50 miles or more up 6.9% year-over-year for the period of 7 to 13 March. Recent research also indicates consumer’s sentiments are changing for the better. More will be ready to travel for business purposes once they are vaccinated. The majority (79%) of Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) members and stakeholders say they would be comfortable traveling for business after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.
  “With more states eliminating or easing restrictions on large gatherings, the exhibition industry is finally close to the end of tunnel,” said CEIR CEO Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE, CEM. “As the economy enters into an expansion phase and with a majority of the population vaccinated, the recovery of B2B exhibitions should begin by the end of this year and gain momentum in 2022.”
近日,在美国驻华大使馆新闻文化处美国教育交流中心会议厅内,由美国教育交流中心主任金大友先生主持了一个记者招待会。会上,来自美国卡塔尔大学的高级访问学者艾米·莱兹伯格博士(Dr. Amy Kirle Lezberg)向记者解释了美国的高等院校认证制度并答记者问。她希望,中国想赴美留学的学子们在申请美国高的院校时,要注意几个关键的问题。    美国高校认证制度的本质    按照美国宪法的规定,美国的教
希望有志于去挪威留学的青年朋友,自己申请办理留学事项。  ——海莲娜·若宁  2003年3月12日在挪威王国驻华大使馆里, 我拜会了文化专员梅园梅和项目官海莲娜·若宁两位女士。采访挪威使馆的计划是源一些读者的咨询。一个大学二年级的男生曾打电话到编辑部,向记者详细询问北欧留学的情况,那位大二男生说自己就想去北欧,为了帮助更多关注北欧留学的申请人,为了让他们能够获得最真实、最客观的留学信息,记者积极地
一、短期访问签证的种类及所需材料    所有申请临时居民签证(短期访问)的个人或团组(包括官方公务代表团)都必须递交下列文件:  a.两份用英文或法文填写的“ 临时居民签证申请表”(表格可从http://www.canada.org.cn网站上下载),并签名,注明日期。在每份表格上须亲笔签名。  注意:将你雇主的电话和传真号码一并填写在表格第10 栏内。   b.一份用中文及英文,或中文及法
新加坡的教育体系是比较先进的,它结合了东方教育中培训逻辑思维的教育精髓,又体现了西方教育体系中先进的判断力培养的优势。所以到新加坡留学,远可作为到欧洲、澳洲等地留学的跳板,近可在东南亚寻求就业机会。    横看新加坡大学    新加坡国立性质的大学有新加坡国立大学,新加坡南洋理工大学,新加坡管理大学和正在建设的新加坡第四所大学。新加坡的国立理工学院有5所,新加坡南洋理工学院、新加坡理工学院、谈马锡
如今教育已经发展成为一个产业,寻求高水准的教育成为人们热衷的选择和现代教育前进的趋势。国内教育水涨船高,海外留学也悄然兴起。那么,什么样的学校什么样的专业才是你理想的选择呢?让我们聚焦于著名的麦吉尔大学。  麦吉尔大学研究生文凭课程提供一系列广泛的课程,既适合刚刚进入或即将进入职业领域的年轻人,也适合已经有工作经验,但是希望更新知识和技能,以在不断迅速变化的商业领域保持竞争力的人士。本项目既介绍了
对于热切盼望去澳大利亚上大学人们来说,学好英语是非常关键的一步。对于学生本身来讲,学好英语也是顺利完成学业的保障。  澳大利亚大学本科专业课程都是用英语讲授,如果连上课都无法听讲,又谈何学好呢?而目前澳大利亚有近40余所正规大学,各大学对考生都有明确严格的英文要求。英文只以雅思(IELTS)为准,托福成绩不被接受。据《澳洲大学入学指南(UAC2002 Guide)》指出,不是新西兰取得学历的所有海
奥斯陆大学  奥斯陆大学成立于1811年,也是挪威最大的大学,它还是具有权威性的学术机构。现有包括博士生在内的32,200学生。还有2,000来自全世界的外国学生。教职员工约有2,500人;8个专业和90个部系。并有好几个医疗诊所、研究中心和博物馆。  奥斯陆大学以其悠久的国际合作传统而自豪。与北欧国家、欧盟、波罗的海国家和东欧等地区的学术机构保持着广泛地联系,同时与发展中国家也有着长期的合作。为
In every normal year, the events regularly organised by Koelnmesse include over 80 exhibitions and special events, and attract more than 54,500 exhibiting companies from about 120 countries, as well a
中外语言、文化的差异,思维方式的不同,决定了中、英两种文章的结构性和条理性具有很大的区别。我们怎样才能掌握英文阅读的方法和技巧,提高英文阅读能力,获得理想的雅思考试成绩。本刊记者采访了雅思阅读专家王燕老师。    记者:教学中,你认为中国学生在英文阅读方面主要存在哪些问题,应该如何解决?  王燕:中国学生在英文阅读方面主要存在以下几方面的问题:  1、 边看边读。有时候即使没有出声,但心里仍然在默
在日本留学的时候,我结识了几位来自其他国家的朋友,我和他们成了十分要好的朋友。时间长了,我了解到他们都是非正式的旁听生。开始我对旁听生是什么都不知道,也没有去问。  渐渐地,留学的时间似乎过得很快,对我这样的留学生来说需要解决的问题很多,比如护照延期、选择专业等问题。一位中国同学告诉我,申请当旁听生就可以在日本多呆些日子,而且还能转为正式的旁听生,到大学学习。像他学习的专业是船舶制作,就必须先把语