正值十月金秋季节 ,中国建设机械协会建筑施工机械化委员会在党中央实施西部大开发战略、向西部进军的热潮中于西安召开一届四次年会暨建筑施工机械化新技术经验交流会 ,旨把全国建筑施工机械化的新技术、新工艺带到西部来 ,使之为西部大开发建设所借鉴和使用 ,这对提高西部大
At the autumn of October, the Construction Machinery Committee of China Construction Machinery Association held a grand strategy of developing the western region during the Party Central Committee’s Central Committee’s promotion of the western region and held a conference on the exchange of experience in the construction of mechanized new technologies four times in Xi’an Bringing new technology and new technology mechanized by the nationwide construction machinery to the west makes it suitable for the large-scale development and construction of the western region.