胰岛素样生长因子(insulin likegrowthfactors,IGFs)主要包括IGF I和IGF II两种类型,其结构与胰岛素原(proinsulin)相似,因此与胰岛素(insulin,INS)、松弛肽(relaxin)一起被称为INS/IGF/relaxin家族蛋白[1]。与哺乳动物相似,对鲑鳟鱼类的研究发现IGF ImRNA在肝脏中含量最高
Insulin like growth factors (IGFs) are mainly composed of two types of IGF I and IGF II. Their structure is similar to that of proinsulin, so together with insulin (INS) and relaxin they are called INS / IGF / relaxin family of proteins [1]. Similar to mammals, studies of salmon trout found that IGF mRNAs are present in the liver at the highest level