基于无刷双馈电机的独立发电系统可用于偏远地区的独立供电及舰船轴带发电等场合,但该系统中的测速码盘在一定程度上抵消了电机无刷化带来的好处。引入转速辨识技术,通过辨识算法获得实时转速信息可解决这一问题。该文将模型参考自适应思路引入无刷双馈独立发电控制系统中,构建了一种改进型的模型参考自适应系统(model reference adaptive system,MRAS)用于转速辨识。该MRAS的坐标系依控制绕组电流矢量定向,选取控制绕组电流q轴分量(常数零)作为参考模型,并以需辩识的转子转速为变量构造控制绕组q轴分量的可调模型。该MRAS不但简化了参考模型与可调模型的求解,还使得参考模型与可调模型的矢量叉乘运算简化为标量作差运算。此外,由于该MRAS由可测电压和电流为基础独立构造,因此可与多种控制方案配合使用,具有较好的通用性与灵活性。
Independent power generation system based on brushless doubly-fed machine can be used for independent power supply in remote areas and ship shaft power generation and other occasions, but the speed encoder in the system to some extent offset the brushless motor benefits. The introduction of speed identification technology, through the identification algorithm to obtain real-time speed information can solve this problem. In this paper, the adaptive reference of model reference is introduced into the brushless doubly-fed independent power generation control system. An improved model reference adaptive system (MRAS) is constructed for speed identification. The coordinate system of the MRAS is controlled by the current vector of the control winding, and the q-axis component (constant zero) of the control winding current is selected as the reference model. The adjustable model of the q-axis component of the control winding is constructed with the rotor speed to be identified as a variable. The MRAS not only simplifies the solution of the reference model and the adjustable model, but also simplifies the vector fork multiplication operation between the reference model and the adjustable model to the scalar difference operation. In addition, since the MRAS is independently constructed on the basis of measurable voltage and current, it can be used in combination with various control schemes and has good versatility and flexibility.