作者对80例不能切除的食管癌以直线加速器10MVX或~(60)钴γ射线进行放射治疗,后者主要应用颈部食管和锁骨上窝及颈部淋巴结转移者。照射范围包括病灶上下各5 cm,宽6~7 cm。剂量40Gy以上时,照射范围限制在癌灶上下1~2 cm。方法是每次照射线量为2 Gy,每周5次,予定治愈照射剂量为66~80Gy,并用抗癌剂时原则上与放射治疗同时进行。全部病例5年生存率为3%,Mo50Gy以上时为5%。年龄与性别对预后无明显差异。下部食管癌比上中部食管癌预后良好。螺旋型及锯齿型预后较差,生存期为5个月。表浅型及肿瘤型预后比前二者好(P<0.05)。癌肿直径5cm以上比5 cm以下明显预后不良,但5~10cm病例与10
The authors treated 80 cases of unresectable esophageal cancer with a linear accelerator 10MVX or ~(60)cobalt gamma ray. The latter mainly used cervical esophagus and supraclavicular fossa and cervical lymph node metastases. The irradiation range includes 5 cm above and below the lesion and 6 to 7 cm in width. At doses above 40 Gy, the irradiation range is limited to 1 to 2 cm above and below the foci. The method is that each irradiation dose is 2 Gy, 5 times per week, and the predetermined curing radiation dose is 66-80 Gy, and the anticancer agent is used at the same time as the radiation therapy in principle. The 5-year survival rate was 3% in all cases, and 5% in Mo50Gy or higher. Age and gender have no significant difference in prognosis. The prognosis of lower esophageal cancer is better than that of upper esophageal cancer. Spiral and zigzag types have a poor prognosis with a survival period of 5 months. Superficial and tumor-type prognosis was better than the former (P<0.05). Cancers with a diameter of 5 cm or more are significantly worse than 5 cm, but 5–10 cm cases and 10