在被告人张平盗窃巨额财物一案的审理过程中,张犯之父、曾任乡公安派出所所长的被告人张士根和被告原县看守所所长王培生二人知法、执法犯法,罪责难逃。张士根为达救儿子一命的目的,置法律于脑后,串通亲友乡邻,为其子张平作伪证,犯有伪证罪和徇私舞弊罪。身为看守所所长的王培生也是执法犯法,在老同事的求情和礼物面前,忘了法律的尊严,利用职务之便为案犯张平父子串通一气作伪证提供条件和帮助,王培生犯有徇私舞弊罪和受贿罪。本公诉人严肃地对张、王二名被告提起公诉。 被告人张士根多年前为让其子张平提早上学曾托关系
Zhang Ping, the father of Zhang’s prisoner and former director of the township police station, and Wang Peisheng, director of the original detention center of the defendant, both knew the law and were found guilty of misdemeanors. In order to save his son’s life, Zhang Shigang placed his law behind the scenes and colluded with his relatives and neighbors to commit perjury for his son Zhang Ping, guilty of perjury and favoritism. Wang Peisheng, director of the detention center, is also a law-breaking criminal. In the face of his old colleague’s plea and gift, he has forgotten the dignity of the law and used his position to provide conditions and assistance for the accomplice Zhang and his son to collude with each other for perjury. Wang Peisheng guilty of malpractices favoritism and malpractice Bribery. The prosecutor seriously prosecuted two defendants Zhang and Wang. Many years ago, Zhang Shungeng, the accused, had let his son Zhang Ping go to school earlier and had a relationship with him