恐怕谁都不会想到,一个身居高位的国民党将军,竟会在蒋介石的卧榻之侧———委员长侍从室里,完成了从国民党“标准军人”到信仰共产主义的思想转变。 他,就是全国黄埔军校同学会理事、江苏省黄埔军校同学会前任会长段仲宇。
I am afraid no one would think that a high-ranking General Kuomintang would have completed the ideological shift from the “standard military” of the Kuomintang to the communist belief in Chiang Kai-shek’s lieutenant-governor’s chamber. He is the director of the Whampoa Military Academy, and Duan Zhongyu, the former president of Whampoa Military Academy in Jiangsu Province.