目的 探讨不同年级、性别初中生的社会支持状况。方法 从两所初中抽取1-3年级学生420名,用社会支持评定量表在各班团体施测。结果 ①初中生社会支持状况总分为39.31±6.15。男女生社会支持评定状况只在3个项目上有显著性差异。②年级之间的差异达到非常显著的水平,二年级社会支持得分最高,三年级最低。且在主观支持因子上性别与年级因素存在交互作用。③部分初中生在支持利用度方面存在一定问题。结论 初中生的社会支持总体状况良好,但有些问题必须重视。
Objective To explore the social support status of junior high school students of different grades and ages. Methods 420 students from 1-3 junior high schools were sampled from two junior high schools and tested by the social support rating scale in each group. Results ① The total score of junior high school students’ social support was 39.31 ± 6.15. Social support rating status for boys and girls only had significant difference in three items. ② The difference between grade reached a very significant level, the highest score in second grade social support, the lowest in third grade. There is interaction between sex and grade factor in the subjective support factor. ③ Some junior high school students have some problems in supporting the utilization. Conclusion The social support for junior high school students is generally good, but some problems must be taken seriously.