秘鲁北部的沙漠里,考古学家正 在美洲历史上最大的金字塔遗址内发掘人类骸 骨。死者都是躺在地上,双手、双脚张开,骸 骨身首异处,手指和手臂不知去向,虽然经过 了1500年,这些残缺不全的骸骨仍然像刚刚遇 难的凶案死者,脑袋被利刀劈开,变成碎片或 者是破了一个大洞,还有人被割断喉咙或者被 斩首……这些带着不祥意味的骸骨留给人们一 系列的问号——这些被虐杀的受害者到底是 谁?行凶者又是谁?动机何在?为什么会在秘 鲁的古迹月亮金字塔被杀?
Archeologists are digging human bones within the largest pyramid site in the history of the Americas in the desert of northern Peru. The dead are lying on the ground, hands, feet open, the first body of the bones of different places, fingers and arms I do not know where to go, although after 1500, these incomplete bones are still just like the dead murdered dead, his head was sharp knife split Open, become pieces or break a big hole, someone is cut off the throat or beheaded ... These ominous skeletons leave a series of question marks - who are the victims of these abuses? Who is the assailant? What motivation? Why are the monuments of the moon pyramid in Peru killed?