美国《轮胎述评》(www.tirereview.com)2009年3月9日报道:普利司通已经在欧洲推出其高级Turanza ER300Ecopia旅行轮胎,该公司称,装配该轮胎的奔驰S-Class和欧宝Insignia已经面市。除作为原配轮胎外,新的Ecopia轮胎将从2009年4月起逐步进入替换轮胎市场,最初是355~432mm(14~17
The U.S. tire review (www.tirereview.com) reported on March 9, 2009: Bridgestone has launched its premium Turanza ER300Ecopia travel tire in Europe, saying the Mercedes-Benz S-Class and Opel Insignia Already available. In addition to being the original tire, the new Ecopia tire will gradually enter the replacement tire market from April 2009, initially 355 ~ 432mm (14 ~ 17