【Referee Key Points】 The agreement on property division reached between husband and wife during the marriage period, including registration of divorce and property division, belongs to the property division of divorce stipulated in Article 14 of the Judicial Interpretation of Marriage Law (III) protocol“. If the agreement between both parties is not satisfactory, the conditions of entry into force of such agreement for the division of property are not established. Even if the agreement concerning the division of property has been partially fulfilled, the conditions for entry into force can not be considered as valid and such agreement shall be deemed not to have taken effect. The court should not apply a certain rule of law, thus making a wrong evaluation of the validity of the legal act and then making a wrong judgment, which belongs to the situation that ”the applicable law is in error and results in a wrong judgment.“ If the parties apply for retrial accordingly, they shall be deemed to have applied for the statutory retrial reasoning that ”the applicable law does have a mistake", and the reviewing court shall adjudicate according to law.