今年6月中旬以来,我国江南、华南、西南地区东部和东北西北部连降暴雨和大暴雨,长江流域发生了1954年以来又一次全流域性大洪水,松花江流域嫩江发生了超历史记录的特大洪水,一些地区遭受严重的洪涝灾害、两个多月的时间里,在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央领导下,抗洪抢险第一线的广大干部群众、解放军指战员、武警官兵、民兵预备役部队、公安干警以大无畏的精神,不怕疲劳,日夜奋战,排除一个又一个险情,筑起一道又一道冲不垮的防线,奏响了一曲曲上下一心、军民合作、团结奋斗的抗洪抢险的壮歌。 为展示抗洪抢险第一线广大军民的精神风貌,本刊特编发了《’98中国战洪图》这组稿件。
Since the middle of June this year, there have been heavy rains and torrential rains accompanied by heavy rains in the east of Jiangnan, South China and Southwest China and the northwestern part of northeastern China. In the Yangtze River basin, another flood occurred in the whole basin since 1954. The Nenjiang River in the Songhua River basin experienced a super-large historical record In more than two months, under the leadership of the party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core, a large number of cadres and masses, PLA officers and soldiers, armed police officers and soldiers, militia and reserve forces, Public security officers and men with fearlessness, fear of fatigue, day and night fighting one danger after another, to build one after another unbreakable line of defense, played a tune up and down one heart, military and civilian cooperation, unity and struggle of flood fighting and rescue of the strong song . In order to show the spirit of the vast majority of soldiers and civilians in the front line of flood fighting and rescue work, we compiled and edited a series of manuscripts of the '98 China War Hongtu Plan.