黑核桃原产北美洲 ,是一种果材兼优、多用途的珍贵阔叶树种。采用传统的育苗方法 ,嫁接成活率低 ,成苗时间长。河南省洛宁县林业部门经过多年的试验研究 ,总结出一套快速繁育黑核桃良种苗木的技术 ,变两年成苗为一年成苗 ,当年苗高70 -120厘米 ,且生长良好。1 圃地的选择
Black walnut native North America, is a fruit and excellent, multi-purpose precious broad-leaved species. The traditional method of raising seedlings, grafting survival rate is low, a long time seedlings. Luoning County, Henan Province, the forestry sector after years of experimental study, summed up a rapid breeding of black walnut seedling technology, change two years into a year into a seedling, when the seedling height 70-120 cm, and grow well. 1 garden choice