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作者在本文里一面指出近代资本主义国家政治上那些虚伪的道德口吻,并且指出所谓道德上的是非是有两方面的,但在末尾却令人意想不到地恭维到丘吉尔的“实力主义”,甚至俾士麦的“铁血政策”,把这些认做是政治行动和政治上大是大非的标准。如果作者抱的是讽世态度,那就不足为奇;但是作者的态度肯定是十分认真的,因此我们只能说,作者是故意耍弄一套玄虛,来为最反动的资产阶级政治立场进行辩护。在我们看来,私人道德上的是非和政治上的是非只是一个小是非和大是非的分别,或小善和大善的分别;而无论小是非或大是非.小善或大善,都离开不了阶级立场;也就是说统治阶级的是非必不同于被压迫阶级的是非,反过来也如此。这一点是马克思主义者从来不讳言,但恰恰是反动阶级害怕承认的。正由于此,所以作者只敢指出,所谓私人道德、一般道德有它两方面的是非,而不敢指出政治上也有它两方面的是非;他只能把丘吉尔的“实力主义”和俾士麦的“铁血政策”(其实我们还可以给作者添上希特勒的“法西斯主义”)说成是按照上帝的声音行事的。不过这样说欺骗不了我们,因为我们早已听惯了,这个上帝的声音在资本主义国家里,一直就在替,而且现在还在替资产阶级的最高利益说话。 In this paper, the author points out the hypocritical political tone of modern capitalist countries and points out that there are two aspects to the so-called moral right and wrong, but at the end unexpectedly compliment Churchill’s “power doctrine” or even serve Szmayme’s Jagged Policy recognizes these as the standard of political action and politics. It is not surprising that the authors hold a satirical attitude; however, the author’s attitude must have been very serious, and we can only say that the author deliberately juggled a set of metaphysics to defend the most reactionary bourgeois political position . From our point of view, private morals and non-political ones are not only differences between small and non-visions and big and not good, but also minor and good ones, whether small or not or not. That is to say, the ruling class is not necessarily different from the non-oppressed class, and vice versa. This point is never denied by Marxists, but it is precisely because the reactionary class is afraid to admit it. It is for this reason that the author only dares to point out that the so-called private morality and morality have its two aspects of right and wrong and they dare not point out that both of them are political. He can only combine Churchill’s “power” with Bismarck (In fact, we can also add “Hitler’s” fascism "to the author) as acting in the voice of God. But we can not be deceived in this way, for we have long been accustomed to hearing that this God’s voice has always been in place in the capitalist countries and is still speaking for the highest interests of the bourgeoisie.
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