006 农村急诊室的使用状况[英]/FreyL…∥WestMed.一1994.160.一38~42关于急诊室的适当使用问题引起越来越多的关注。本文是对农村地区县级医院急诊室使用的研究。Roosevlt综合医院是新墨西哥州东部地区的县级医院,是该县唯一...
006 The use of rural emergency rooms [English]/FreyL...∥WestMed. One 1994.160. A 38-42 question about the proper use of the emergency room has drawn more and more attention. This article is a study of the use of emergency rooms in county hospitals in rural areas. Roosevlt General Hospital is a county hospital in the eastern part of New Mexico and is the only county in the county...