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  by Robbie Budgen
  "With nothing but his hands, feet and a lot of attitude, he turned the little guy into a tough guy."
  It's a sad, but true fact: You will never, ever be as cool as Bruce Lee. It's not your fault. No one will ever be as cool as Bruce Lee. Time Magazine named Lee one of the 100 most1)influential people of the 20th century, putting him in the2)company of Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King, among others.
  Bruce Lee (Lee Hsiao Lung), was born in San Fransisco in November 1940, the son of a famous Chinese opera singer. Bruce moved to Hong Kong where he soon became a child star in the growing Eastern film industry.
  He was a3)loner and was4)constantly getting into fights. With this in mind he looked towards Kung Fu as a way of5)disciplining himself.
  At 13, he met Master Yip Man, leader of the Wing Chung School of Kung Fu. After years of daily training and6)engagements in competitive matches, he was awarded the7)rank of instructor "then the youngest to achieve it in that school. Bruce mastered this style before developing his own style called Jeet Kune Do. The talented Bruce also took up cha-cha dancing, and at the age of 18, won a8)major dance9)championship in Hong Kong."
  However, his10)temper and quick fists saw him11)fall foul of the Hong Kong police on12)numerous occasions, and his parents suggested that he head off to the United States. At the age of 19, Bruce left Hong Kong to study for a degree in13)philosophy at the University of Washington. It was at this time that he took a job as a waiter and also began to teach some of his skills to paying students. Some of the Japanese schools in the Seattle area tried to force Bruce out, and Bruce had to struggle and fight in order to remain.
  In 1963, Lee met Linda Emery (later to become his wife) at Washington University. In addition, he opened his first Kung Fu school at 4750 University Way. During the early half of the 1960s, Lee became14)associated with many key martial artists in the USA, including kenpo15)karate expert Ed Parker and Tae Kwon Do master Jhoon Rhee.
  He made guest appearances at16)notable martial arts events, including the Long Beach Nationals. At one of these17)tournaments, Bruce met Hollywood hair stylist Jay Sebring who introduced him to TV producer William Dozier. Based on the18)runaway success of "Batman,"Dozier was19)keen to bring the cartoon character of "The Green Hornet"to TV and was on the lookout for an Oriental actor to play the Green Hornet's sidekick, "Kato."The series was20)moderately successful in the States - but was a huge hit in Hong Kong. Bruce visited Hong Kong in 1968 and he was21)overwhelmed by the attention he received from the people he had left. Around this time, Bruce also opened a second Kung Fu school in Oakland, California and22)relocated to Oakland to be closer to Hollywood.
  With his23)minor success in Hollywood and money in his pockets, Bruce paid a return visit to Hong Kong and was approached by film producer Raymond Chow. Chow was keen to24)utilize Lee's strong popularity among young Chinese fans, and offered him the lead role in The Big Boss (1971). The film was made on a very low25)budget and in terrible living conditions for the26)cast and27)crew. However, when it opened in Hong Kong, the film was an28)enormous hit! And after Bruce Lee's second film went on to break the box office records set by the first, he set up his own production company, and set about guiding his film career personally by writing, directing and acting in his next film, Return of The Dragon (1972).
  Since 1973, the year Bruce Lee died and his most famous29)motion picture Enter the Dragon was released, movies have been the single most influential30)factor behind the growing popularity of martial arts. Lee's cinematic success31)spawned a global martial arts industry and schools opened and32)flourished worldwide. During the 1970s, more students took up the study of martial arts than at any time before or since. To those involved in martial arts, the years from 1972 to 1975 "the33)height of Lee's popularity "are often cited as "the Bruce Lee34)era."
  他以特邀嘉宾的身份出席了一些著名的武术盛事,其中包括长滩全国竞赛。在一次比赛中,李小龙遇到了好莱坞发型师杰伊· 西伯林,后者将他介绍给电视制片人威廉·道泽尔。在《蝙蝠侠》一炮走红后,道泽尔急于将卡通人物“青蜂侠”带到了电视屏幕上,并正在寻觅一名东方演员扮演“青蜂侠”的助手加藤。这部电视剧在美国成绩一般,在香港却风靡一时。1968年李小龙访问香港,备受人们关注。大约在此期间,李小龙又在加利福尼亚州奥克兰市开办了第二所武术学校,并移居到奥克兰市以便更加接近好莱坞。
  1973年,李小龙逝世。同年,他的代表作《龙争虎斗》发行。从此,电影成为了武术蓬勃发展的最重要影响要素,全球各地纷纷兴办武术学校。20世纪70年代期间,学习武术的学生人数可谓空前绝后。对于那些涉足武术界的人来说,1972 年至1975年之间—李小龙影响力的顶峰时期—常被称为“李小龙时代”。

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也许你会说现在这个社会要做到不忘初心,实现最初的梦想是件奢侈的事情,但是Fanny做到了,而且做得很成功。  婚纱的设计要充满梦幻,叫人一见难忘,不论十年、五十年,抑或永远,都能绽放出新娘当天的美,更寓意拥有永恒的幸福,充满爱的正能量。  还没有踏入店内,我们就已经被店面独特的氛围所吸引,就在进入店内没多久,美女设计师Fanny便身穿着职业黑色套装和格子披肩向我们走了过来,淡雅如兰的气质不禁让人深
婚礼上有两样东西最吸人眼球,美丽迷人的婚纱和象征快乐幸福的婚礼蛋糕。而翻糖工艺蛋糕又因其无可比拟的艺术性和个性创作,成为了当今蛋糕装饰的主流!  产品协助/ Merry Day、Salon de J、Oh’s Room、Jennys Cake、Fairy Cookie
初春情人们靠散落在空气中的费洛蒙找到彼此,香水的芬芳夹杂其中,暗香浮动,让这份爱情更添甜蜜与诱惑。  玫瑰长久以来就象征着美丽和爱情,无论是在恋爱中还是婚礼上,玫瑰花香是恋人和新人一直热衷追求的经典元素。
作为著名花艺设计师、1997年中国台湾花艺设计大赛的冠军,陈垂训在理想与现实中不断寻求最佳平衡点,注重实用亦不忘设计与学术,从事花艺多年,坚持初衷、不断创新,以“全能”身份做出了自己的花艺风格。  在没有采访陈垂训(Alton Chen)之前,我们一直在想作为著名花艺设计师的他会不会认为我们的问题不够专业,但当他站在我们面前的时候,成熟稳重的气质以及极具亲和力的笑容,让我们之前所有的顾虑瞬间都消失
薄纱如翼的La Vie en Rose 婚纱,  随花轻舞起一场粉色浪漫爱情故事。  布满细小珍珠的上装设计突显腰身,让身材看起来更为修长。饱满的薄纱钟状裙摆,可爱清纯。网纱发饰将女性的羞涩美丽诠释得恰到好处。
2014.2.14爱你一世,这个特殊日期的情人节里,无论这段爱情是经过岁月的洗礼还是从这一刻新的开始,滴答互诉情人之间每分每秒的柔情,爱之信物,辉印成双  复古腕表历久弥坚风靡不退,带着岁月的气息。精致的皮带,怀旧表盘辅以罗马数字。任凭时光流逝,时间磨砺的是爱情的成色,见证了每对恋人新人属于他们的“那个年代”。  硬朗的钢骨汇聚成坚实的不锈钢表带,浑圆的表盘清晰的轮廓,纤细的指针与外表相辅相成,守
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