当前,加强集体主义教育,有着重要的现实意义。我们看到有的学生,从不遵守课堂纪律发展到违反国家法制,从贪小便宜发展到偷窃犯罪。造成这种结果的客观因素是很复杂的。但就他们的主观因素看,有一点是共同的,那就是他们都不能正确处理个人同集体、社会、国家的关系。我在担任初中班主任的实际工作中,把集体主义教育的内容和方法归结为如下几句话:认识班集体,热爱班集体,班集体需要我,我需要班集体。在班集体中进行集体主义教育。 一、认识班集体,就是要使学生对班集体有一种
At present, it is of great practical significance to strengthen collectivism education. We have seen that some students have never followed the development of classroom discipline and have violated the state legal system, and they have developed from being greedy for small money to stealing crimes. The objective factors that cause this result are very complicated. However, as far as their subjective factors are concerned, there is one thing that is common, that is, none of them can correctly handle the relationship between the individual, the society, and the country. In my practical work as a junior high school class teacher, I attributed the content and methods of collectivist education to the following words: I know the class collectives, I love the class collectives, and the class collectives need me. I need class collectives. Collectivism education in the class collective. I. Awareness of the class is to make students have a kind of class