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经历了2013、2014年的连续涨价后,天然气价最终跌落,为天然气下游带来了新的机遇。国际油价的跳水,拖累了那些长期与油价挂钩的天然气供应合同,使天然气价格紧随其后也一路下跌。这对于活跃在亚洲的天然气市场的贸易商来说,似乎不是什么利好消息。过去,中国由于价格高昂加上需求旺盛,近几年一跃成为全球最火爆的天然气市场,吸引着来自中东及欧 After consecutive price increases in 2013 and 2014, the natural gas price eventually dropped, bringing new opportunities to natural gas downstream. The downturn in international oil prices has dragged down gas supply contracts that have long been linked to the price of oil, causing the price of natural gas to follow suit all the way down. That does not seem to be good news for traders active in Asia’s gas market. In the past, due to the high prices and the strong demand in China, China has become the hottest natural gas market in the world in recent years, attracting visitors from the Middle East and Europe