利用建植5 a的紫花苜蓿草地,研究了人工草地对内陆盐碱地土壤盐分特性和肥力的影响。结果表明,与空白地相比,苜蓿人工草地0~40 cm土层的脱盐率分别达42.4%,盐分离子的降低幅度顺序为SO42->Na+>Cl->Ca2+>HCO3->CO32-,60~100 cm土层SO42-,Na+,Cl-,Ca2+,HCO3-和CO32-含量均大量积累,1 m土体K+和Mg2+含量相对稳定;0~40 cm土壤有机质含量提高了44.6%,全氮含量提高了53.1%。种植苜蓿是生物措施改良内陆盐碱地的有效途径之一。
The effects of artificial grassland on soil salinity characteristics and fertility in saline land were studied using alfalfa grass established for 5 years. The results showed that compared with the blank, the desalination rates of alfalfa artificial grassland were 42.4% and 0.4%, respectively, and SO42-> Na +> Cl-> Ca2 +> HCO3-> CO32-, 60 The contents of SO42-, Na +, Cl-, Ca2 +, HCO3- and CO32- in the 100 cm soil layer all accumulate in a large amount. The contents of K + and Mg2 + in 1 m soil are relatively stable. The contents of organic matter in 0-40 cm soil layer increase by 44.6% Content increased by 53.1%. Planting alfalfa is one of the effective ways for biological measures to improve inland saline-alkali soil.