1 5年来的学会工作回顾 河北省水利学会第五届理事会于 1995年 4月选举产生,迄今已历时 5年多,按照学会章程应于今年换届。 5年来,我会在河北省科协、中国水利学会和挂靠单位——河北省水利厅的领导与有关单位的大力支持下,经过各专业委员会、研究会、分会和广大会员的勤奋
Over the past 5 years, the work of the Association has been reviewed. The 5th council of the Hebei Hydraulic Institute was elected in April 1995 and has lasted for more than five years. It should be re-elected this year in accordance with its statute. Over the past five years, I will work hard with all the professional committees, research institutes, clubs and members under the strong support of leaders of Hebei Province Association for Science and Technology, China Society of Hydraulic Engineering and affiliated units - Hebei Provincial Department of Water Resources and relevant units