半侧颜面短小畸形是一种常见的以下颌骨发育不良为主要表现的先天性颅面畸形。自从JG McCarthy等1992年首次成功应用牵引成骨技术延长人的下颌骨以来,该技术目前已经成为治疗半侧颜面短小畸形的重要方法。经过20余年的应用和广泛研究后,部分学者发现,半侧颜面短小畸形患者牵引成骨术后的下颌骨生长存在个体差异,部分患者远期治疗效果欠佳,出现面部不对称复发。该现象目前备受关注,现将对半侧颜面短小畸形下颌骨牵引成骨术后面部不对称复发的影响因素进行综述。
Short facial deformity is a common form of mandibular dysplasia as the main manifestation of congenital craniofacial deformities. Since JG McCarthy et al. First successfully applied traction osteogenesis in the human mandible in 1992, this technique has now become an important method for the treatment of short facial malformations. After more than 20 years of application and extensive research, some scholars have found that there are individual differences in mandibular growth after traction and osteogenesis in patients with short facial malformations, and some patients have poor long-term treatment effects and appear facial asymmetry recurrence. This phenomenon is currently receiving much attention. Now, the influencing factors of asymmetric facial recurrence after mandibular distraction osteogenesis are reviewed.