潮起潮落,物换星移。 从上任至今,转眼四年多的时间过去了。 2000年4月27日,“五·一”劳动节前夕,泰安市劳动模范表彰大会上,作为新汶矿业集团唯一一名以企业法人身份被评为市劳动模范的工程公司总经理吴刚,心情久久难以平静。他在回想工程公司这四年多走过的坎坷道路,同时又在构想着在新世纪公司的发展新思路。 “思想就是出路”,这句当年在改革脱困中从工程公司叫响的
Ebb and flow, things for stars. From now until now, an instant longer than four years have passed. On April 27, 2000, on the eve of “May 1” Labor Day, at the Model Worker Commendation Meeting in Taian City, Wu Gang, the only general manager of an engineering company that was appraised as a model worker of the city in corporate capacity as Xinwen Mining Group, I feel a long time difficult to calm. He was recalling the bumpy road that engineering companies had traveled in the past four years and at the same time envisioned the development of new ideas for the company in the new century. “Thought is the way out”, this sentence was called from the engineering company in the process of reforming and eliminating difficulties