我院从1980~1982年期间发现了三例白血病患者的血型变异现象。现将病历介绍如下: 例1 男性,28岁,因贫血、高烧、皮下出血点、全身无力而住某院。入院时。血型鉴定为O型,先后输入O型全血2100ml。在盐水配血中无禁忌,输血后无不良反应。经对症治疗病情缓解出院。为了进一步诊断,该患者于1980年4月入我校临床医院。查体。心悸、气短、面色苍白、呈贫血面容,粘
Our hospital from 1980 to 1982 found three cases of leukemia in patients with blood group variation. Now the medical records are as follows: Example 1 male, 28 years old, due to anemia, high fever, subcutaneous bleeding point, the body was weak to live in a hospital. At admission Blood type identified as O-type, has entered O-type whole blood 2100ml. No contraindication in the saline with blood, no adverse reactions after transfusion. The symptomatic treatment of patients discharged. For further diagnosis, the patient entered our school clinic in April 1980. Physical examination. Palpitations, shortness of breath, pale, anemic face, sticky