我院于1977年夏干部体检时,发现乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)携带者37例,我们应用黄芪注射液治疗,观察其效果和对免疫功能的影响。现将初步资料小结于后,以供参考。临床资料 37例中男性29人,女性8人。年令最小者21岁,最大者54岁,平均年令为37.8岁。甲胎球均阴性,只有7例肝肋缘下可触及,无叩压疼,有轻度乏力、腹胀、食欲不振及肝区疼者10人。本组37例中用补体结合试验(简称补结法)测定血清中HBsAg滴度,1:16者1例;1:32者2例;其余34例的滴度均在1:64~1:512
Our hospital in the summer of 1977, the cadre examination, found that 37 cases of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carriers, we use Astragalus injection treatment, to observe the effect and impact on immune function. Now preliminary information summary, for reference. 37 cases of clinical data of 29 males and 8 females. The youngest person is 21 years old, the largest is 54 years old, with an average annual age of 37.8 years. A fetus ball were negative, only seven cases of liver margin can be touched, no knock pressure, mild fatigue, bloating, loss of appetite and liver pain in 10 people. The group of 37 patients with complement fixation test (referred to as nodules) serum HBsAg titer, 1: 16 in 1 case; 1: 32 in 2 cases; the remaining 34 cases of titers in the 1: 64 ~ 1: 512