
来源 :中国计划生育和妇产科 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuifeng188
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目的了解深圳市宝安区孕前保健现状及需求情况。方法将2013年1月至2014年1月深圳宝安区首次到宝安区计划生育专科医院和松岗人民医院做产前检查的孕妇1 080例作为调查对象。采用问卷及访谈的方式进行调查,分析调查对象孕前保健现状及需求。结果收回有效问卷1 038份,1 038名孕妇中仅有37.19%(386/1038)参加过孕前保健;文化程度高者的孕前保健参与率高于文化程度低者(P<0.05);调查对象中有76.49%(794/1038)听说过孕前保健,但大部分人对内容了解不全面;孕前叶酸服用率34.10%(354/1038),正确服用率仅为6.78%(24/354)。获取孕前保健知识的途径依次为朋友或同事、网络、社区宣传、医疗机构。希望获取知识的途径依次为网络媒体宣传、社区宣教、医疗机构。在接受孕前保健服务医疗机构选择上,依次为妇幼保健院或妇幼专科医院、社区医院、综合医院。结论深圳宝安区孕前保健的参与率、认知度、依从性较低,叶酸服用率低且不规范;孕前保健知识培训及服务形式、内容需要进一步加强;相关医疗卫生机构应提高水平以满足围孕妇女孕前保健需求。 Objective To understand the status and needs of pre-pregnancy health care in Bao’an District of Shenzhen City. Methods From January 2013 to January 2014, 1 080 pregnant women who came to Baoan District Family Planning Specialized Hospital and Songgang People’s Hospital for the first time to do prenatal examination in Bao’an District of Shenzhen were investigated. The questionnaires and interviews were used to conduct surveys to analyze the status quo and needs of pre-pregnancy health care. Results A total of 1 038 valid questionnaires were retrieved and only 37.19% (386/1038) of 1,038 pregnant women participated in prenatal care. The pre-pregnancy health care participation rate of those with higher education level was higher than that of lower education level (P <0.05) Among them, 76.49% (794/1038) heard of prenatal care, but most of them did not fully understand the content. The rate of taking folic acid before pregnancy was 34.10% (354/1038), and the correct taking rate was only 6.78% (24/354). Pre-pregnancy health knowledge by the way followed by friends or colleagues, the Internet, community awareness, medical institutions. Ways to obtain knowledge followed by online media, community education, medical institutions. In the choice of prenuptial health care medical institutions, followed by MCH or maternity and child specialist hospitals, community hospitals, general hospitals. Conclusion The pre-pregnancy health care participation rate, awareness, compliance in Shenzhen Baoan District are low, and the taking rate of folic acid is low and not standardized. The prenatal care knowledge training and service forms and contents need to be further strengthened. Relevant medical and health institutions should raise the level to meet Prenatal care needs of pregnant women.
目的 评价MRI动态增强与乳腺X射线摄影对乳腺癌的诊断价值。方法 回顾性分析38例乳腺疾病患者乳腺X射线摄影与MRI动态增强表现,并与病理结果对照。结果 MRI动态增强、乳腺X射
肠易激综合征 (irritablebowelsyndrome ,IBS)是与肠道动力学异常有关的功能性疾病 ,是指一组包括排便习惯改变 (腹泻 /便秘 )、粪便性状异常 (稀便、黏液便 /硬结便 )、腹痛及腹胀等症候群 ,持续存在