(一) 高尔基,本名叫阿列克赛·马克西莫维奇·彼什科夫,高尔基是他的笔名。他是“无产阶级艺术的最杰出的代表人物”(列宁语),是苏联社会主义文艺的奠基人,是一个具有世界影响的无产阶级革命作家。一八六八年,高尔基出生在一个贫困的木工家庭。他自小就失去了父亲,跟随母亲寄养在外祖父家。十岁上,母亲又病逝了。从此,这个无依无靠的孤儿,流落街头,独
(1) Gorky, whose real name is Alexei Maximovich Bischoff, Gorky is his pen name. He is “the most outstanding representative of the proletarian art” (in Lenin), the founder of socialist literature in the Soviet Union, and a proletarian revolutionary writer with world influence. In 1868 Gorky was born in a poor carpentry home. He lost his father when he was young and foster his grandfather’s home with his mother. At the age of ten, my mother died again. Since then, this helpless orphan, living in the streets, alone