亲爱的阿桐: 光阴似箭,转眼又是一年。时值隆冬,你那里该是雪盖冰封,琼塑玉雕的世界了。我这里却正是香蕉黄、桔子红、花儿争艳、蜜蜂儿忙碌的季节呢! 你问我:台湾海峡有多宽?海峡两岸双方还打炮吗?双方互相有来往吗? 你特别问到:叶剑英委员长关于台湾回归祖国,实现和平统一的九条方针发表以来,台湾海峡出现了什么新的变化?台湾回归、祖国统一什么时候能实现? 你提的这些问题都
Darling: time flies, blink of an eye another year. Time when the winter, where is the snow covered ice, Joan plastic jade world. You are asking me: how wide is the Taiwan Strait? Is there any other way between the two sides of the Strait? There are two ways to deal with each other? : What kind of new changes have taken place in the Taiwan Strait since the issuance of the nine guidelines on Taiwan’s return to the motherland and the peaceful reunification of the motherland? When will Taiwan return to the motherland and when will the motherland’s reunification come true?