甘蔗长牙土天牛Dorysthenes walkeri(Walerhouse)of Sugar Cane隶属于鞘翅目,天牛科,锯天牛科,甘蔗长牙土天牛是广东海南岛大部分蔗区主要害虫之一,其幼虫对山丘及平原的沙质土甘蔗为害严重,特别宿根蔗受害尤甚。据1982年对小面积新植、宿根蔗产量受害情况调查统计,亩产减少4.2吨和1.35吨,平均损失32.14%。1983年对广东崖城公社赤草大队一农户承包的12亩宿根蔗作调查,由于受甘蔗长牙土天牛幼虫危害,其中有5亩
Dorysthenes walkeri (Walerhouse) of Sugar Cane is a member of Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Sawethostea, Sugarcane Cerambycidae is one of the major pests in most sugarcane fields in Hainan Island, Guangdong Province. Hilly and plains of sandy soil sugarcane serious damage, particularly pest cane victims. According to a survey of the newly-harvested small-area and perennial cane crops in 1982, output per mu decreased by 4.2 tons and 1.35 tons with an average loss of 32.14%. In 1983, a survey was conducted on 12 mu of perennial cane contracted by a farmer in the Yacheng Brigade of the Yacheng Commune in Guangdong Province. Due to the damage caused by the larvae of the caterpillar, the 5-mu