管理和使用闭路 电视系统的一些做法

来源 :浙江电化教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cbl1212
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我校建立闭路电视系统已有多年,在学校的教育与教学上发挥了较为显著的作用,下面谈谈我们管理与使用闭路电视系统的一些做法。一、加强管理,保证闭路电视系统的正常运行。1、由电教组负责对闭路电视系统的管理与播出。演播控制室由专人负责。管理人员及时做好播放的记录与统计。记录内容包括使用日期、播放内容、观看人数以及任课教师等。统计资料作为向上级反映情况的依据,同时为今后合理选购录像资料提供参考。2、培训班级学生电教员。每班确定一名学生电 CCTV system has been established for many years in our school. It has played a significant role in the education and teaching of schools. Here we talk about some of our practices in the management and use of CCTV systems. First, strengthen management to ensure the normal operation of closed-circuit television system. 1, by the teaching team responsible for the closed-circuit television system management and broadcast. Studio control room by the person responsible. Management staff timely broadcast records and statistics. Records include the date of use, content, number of viewers and teachers. Statistics as a basis to reflect the situation to the higher authorities, while providing reasonable reference for future purchase of video data. 2, trainee students trainers. Identify one student per shift
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