Extracting hidden weak sinusoidal signal with short duration from noisy data: Analytical theory and

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aptxkid2009
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Signal detection is both a fundamental topic of data science and a great challenge for practical engineering. One of the canonical tasks widely investigated is detecting a sinusoidal signal of known frequency ω with time duration T :I(t) = A cos ω t + Γ(t), embedded within a stationary noisy data. The most direct, and also believed to be the most efficient,method is to compute the Fourier spectral power at ω : B = 2 T T0 I(t) ei ω tdt. Whether one can out-perform the linear Fourier approach by any other nonlinear processing has attracted great interests but so far without a consensus. Neither a rigorous analytic theory has been offered. We revisit the problem of weak signal, strong noise, and finite data length T = O(1), and propose a signal detection method based on resonant filtering. While we show that the linear approach of resonant filters yield a same signal detection efficiency in the limit of T →∞, for finite time length T = O(1), our method can improve the signal detection due to the highly nonlinear interactions between various characteristics of a resonant filter in finite time with respect to transient evolution. At the optimal match between the input I(t), the control parameters, and the initial preparation of the filter state, its performance exceeds the above threshold B considerably. Our results are based on a rigorous analysis of Gaussian processes and the conclusions are supported by numerical computations. Signal detection is both a fundamental topic of data science and a great challenge for practical engineering. One of the canonical tasks widely investigated is a sinusoidal signal of known frequency ω with time duration T: I (t) = A cos ω t + Γ (t), embedded within a stationary noisy data. The most direct, and also believed to be the most efficient, method is to compute the Fourier spectral power at ω: B = 2 T T0 I (t) ei ω tdt. can out-perform the linear Fourier approach by any other nonlinear processing has attracted great interests but so far without a consensus. Neither rigorous analytic theory has been offered. We revisit the problem of weak signal, strong noise, and finite data length T = O (1), and propose a signal detection method based on resonant filtering. While we show that the linear approach of resonant filter yield a same signal detection efficiency in the limit of T → ∞, for finite time length T = O (1) , our method can improve the signal dete ction due to the highly nonlinear interaction between various characteristics of a resonant filter in finite time with respect to transient evolution. At the optimal match between the input I (t), the control parameters, and the initial preparation of the filter state, its performance exceeds the above threshold B wall. Our results are based on a rigorous analysis of Gaussian processes and the conclusions are supported by numerical computations.
有一个精神病人,以为自己是一只蘑菇。于是他每天都撑着一把伞蹲在房间的墙角里,不吃也不喝,像一只真正的蘑菇一样。  心理医生想了一个办法。有一天,心理医生也撑了一把伞,蹲在了病人的旁边。病人很奇怪地问:你是谁呀?医生回答:我也是一只蘑菇呀。病人点点头,继续做他的蘑菇。  过了一会儿,医生站了起來,在房间里走来走去。病人就问他:你不是蘑菇吗,怎么可以走来走去?医生回答说:蘑菇当然可以走来走去啦!病人觉
Vector tracking changes the classical structure of receivers. Combining signal tracking and navigation solution,vector tracking can realize powerful processing