1927年由 G. P.索斯诺夫斯基率领的前苏联科学院布里亚特──蒙古考察队在乌兰乌德市西南16公里处发现了一座匈奴时期的古城──—“伊沃尔加城保”,又称“下伊沃尔加古城”或“下伊伏尔琴斯克”古城。这是本世纪早期继诺音乌拉贵族墓之后匈奴考古的又一项重要突破
1927 by G. P. Sónovsky led the former Soviet Academy of Sciences Buryat ─ ─ Mongolia team 16 km southwest of Ulan-Ude city found an ancient city of Huns - ─ “Ivorgar City Paul”, and Dubbed “the ancient city of Iv’arka” or “ancient city of Ivrsinsk”. This is another major breakthrough in the archeology of the Huns since the tomb of the Noel Ural noble in the early part of this century