红花(Carthamus tinctorius L)为菊科红花属植物红花的干燥花。是常用重要中药之一,素以红花为妇科良药。本草纲目记载有“活血、润燥、止痛、散肿、通经”功效。近来又用于治疗冠心病、心绞痛、脉管炎等症。并作成红花注射液供用。辽宁省药物研究所药理室近两年在筛选抗炎中草药中发现红花还具有较强的抗炎作用(抗关节炎)。关于红花的抗炎作用文献中未见报道。目前抗炎药物确有不少,如阿斯匹林,
Carthamus tinctorius L is a dried flower of the safflower of Compositae safflower. Is one of the commonly used important traditional Chinese medicine, safflower as a gynecological medicine. Compendium of Materia Medica records the effects of “Huoxue, Runzao, analgesic, bulk swelling, and pass through”. Recently used to treat coronary heart disease, angina, vasculitis embolism. And made safflower injection for use. In the past two years, the Pharmacology Department of the Liaoning Provincial Institute of Materia Medica has found anti-inflammatory Chinese herbal medicine to have strong anti-inflammatory effects (anti-arthritis). There is no report on the anti-inflammatory effects of safflower. There are indeed many anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin.