Removal of impurities from metallurgical grade silicon by electron beam melting

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caoenjia
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Solar cells are currently fabricated from a variety of silicon-based materials.Now the major silicon material for solar cells is the scrap of electronic grade silicon(EG-Si).But in the current market it is difficult to secure a steady supply of this material.Therefore,alternative production processes are needed to increase the feedstock.In this paper,EBM is used to purify silicon.MG-Si particles after leaching with an initial purity of 99.88%in mass as starting materials were used.The final purity of the silicon disk obtained after EBM was above 99.995%in mass.This result demonstrates that EBM can effectively remove impurities from silicon.This paper mainly studies the impurity distribution in the silicon disk after EBM. Solar cells are currently fabricated from a variety of silicon-based materials. No the major silicon material for solar cells is the scrap of electronic grade silicon (EG-Si) .But in the current market it is difficult to secure a steady supply of this Material.Therefore, alternative production processes are needed to increase the feedstock.In. This paper, EBM is used to purify silicon .MG-Si particles after leaching with an initial purity of 99.88% in mass as starting materials were used. The final purity of the silicon disk obtained after EBM was above 99.995% in mass. This result demonstrates that EBM can effectively remove impurities from silicon. This paper mainly studies the impurity distribution in the silicon disk after EBM.
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