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古今中外的绘画艺术有多种多样的形式风格,有写实、写意、表现、荒诞、抽象等等,但就体系来说,无非是写实与写意两大类。西方古典绘画艺术属于写实类型,包括中国传统绘画在内的东方民族的古典绘画,其体系是写意类型的。当然,写实与写意两 There are many forms and styles of the art of painting at all times and in all countries, such as realism, freehand expression, absurdity, abstraction, etc. However, in terms of the system, it is nothing more than the realism and the freehandness. Western classical painting belongs to the category of realism, including the classical paintings of oriental peoples, including traditional Chinese paintings. Its system is of a freehand type. Of course, realistic and freehand two
介绍了德兴铜矿尾矿的化学组成及粒度分布状况 ,对尾矿提取绢云母及综合利用进行了初步探讨 The chemical composition and particle size distribution of the tailings in
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从二维声波方程初、边值问题出发 ,通过引进一个广义幂指数误差分布函数 ,以及对波动方程的Lippman -Schwinger方程的解进行Born近似 ,导出一个残差加权迭代最小二乘 (稳健迭
以物探、地质资料为依据 ,对保靖—慈利逆冲断裂带的具体位置及推覆运动的方向提出了一些新的认识。 On the basis of geophysical and geologic data, some new understand