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国际海洋法法庭于2012年裁决的孟加拉/缅甸海洋划界案涉及了国际社会第一起200海里外大陆架划界纠纷。在本案的裁决中,法庭不仅多次否定自然延伸原则的大陆架权利基础地位,而且明确提出了一个“大陆边外缘”准则,声称只要大陆边外缘之所在该沿海国就可以要求200海里外大陆架的主权权利,而无须考虑其大陆架的地质地貌情况。法庭实际上提出了一个全新的大陆架权利基础标准,从而可能既因此导致窄大陆架国家主张扩展其大陆架以至于不当地引发大陆架划界纠纷,也可能因此导致侵蚀“国际海底区域”的范围,损害全人类共同利益。总体上看,法庭的上述裁决缺乏条约基础和国际司法判例的支持,无论是1982年《海洋法公约》还是国际司法判例都从未有过“大陆边外缘”准则这种大陆架权利基础的法律地位。因而,国际社会尤其是《海洋法公约》的缔约国应对此给予高度重视,并有义务宣示主张以维护国际法制的权威和整个国际社会的利益。 The Bengal / Myanmar maritime submission of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, adjudicated in 2012, dealt with the first dispute between the international community on the delimitation of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles. In the ruling of this case, the tribunal not only repeatedly denied the basic position of the continental shelf rights based on the principle of natural extension, but also set forth clearly a “continental margin” principle, claiming that as long as the coastal border of the continental margin can claim 200 Sovereignty over the continental shelf outside the sea without regard to the geomorphology of the continental shelf. The Tribunal actually proposed a fundamentally new benchmark for the rights to the continental shelf that could have led both to narrowing the continental shelf by undoubtedly leading the narrow-continental countries to expand their continental shelf and to unduly trigger disputes over the delimitation of the continental shelf, possibly resulting in erosion of the “international seabed area” Damage the common good of all mankind. On the whole, the tribunal’s above-mentioned ruling lacked the treaty basis and the support of international judicial precedents. Both the 1982 UNCLOS and the international judicial jurisprudence have never had the basis of continental shelf rights such as the “Guidelines on the Border Area” Legal status. Therefore, the international community, especially the signatories of UNCLOS, should attach great importance to this and have the obligation to declare their claim to safeguard the authority of the international legal system and the interests of the entire international community.
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本文通过对艾恺《二十一世纪的世界文化会演化至儒家化的文化吗?》的重新解读,结合梁漱溟先生的线性历史观与西方历史循环论之比较,管窥21世界世界文化历史的演化及走向。 T