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在迅速变化和发展的信息时代,专利文献变得比以往任何时候都重要.到1991年3月19日,美国专利与商标局共批准500万件专利.在美国近200年的历史中,专利与商标局共批准了400万件专利,而在1976年到1991年短短的14年中,则批准了近100万件专利.事实证明,专利是有关发明、科技、商业和法律活动的宝贵信息源,在当今社会中,专利将发挥十分重要的作用.一、专利简介专利是政府授予发明人的权力,其作用是保护发明者在一定时间内(对于实用专利为17年,设计专利为14年),对其发明有独占制造、使用和销售的权利.如果发明能满足专利新颖性、实用性和独创性的要求,则授予发明者专利.专利制度的目的是通过引导发明者向社会介绍自己的发明,通过法律手段使发明者具有发明所有权,从而推进科学技术的发展.专利属于知识产权,专利制度为知识产权提供了独特的保护.美国授予的专利分三种类型:实用专利、设计专利和植物专利.实用专利将授予发现和发明新的制法、机器、制品或物质组成以及进行任何新颖而适用改进的人.设计专利授予对制造品进行新颖、独创和装饰性设计的人.植物专利授予发现或发明或无性培育任何独特新型植物的人,这些新植物包括利用变态植物培育的杂种和变种,以及在未开发地区发现的新植物.美国的第一项专利是在1790 The patent literature became more important than ever before in a rapidly changing and evolving information age, with 5 million patents approved by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on March 19, 1991. In the nearly 200-year history of the United States, patents A total of 4 million patents were approved with the Trademark Office, and nearly 1 million were approved in just 14 years from 1976 to 1991. It is a fact that patents are valuable for inventions, technological, commercial and legal activities Information sources, in today's society, the patent will play a very important role.Patent profilePatent is the government authority granted to the inventor, its role is to protect the inventor within a certain period of time (for a practical patent for 17 years, the design patent is 14 years), the invention of the exclusive right to manufacture, use and sale of patents if the invention can meet the novelty, practicality and originality requirements, the patent system is designed to guide the inventor through to the community Introduce their own inventions, and make the inventors have the invention ownership through legal means, so as to promote the development of science and technology.Patents belong to intellectual property and the patent system provides unique protection for intellectual property. Patents are divided into three types: utility patents, design patents and botanical patents.Practical patents will grant discovery and invention of new system of law, machine, product or substance composition, as well as any new and applicable improvements.Design patents granted to the manufacture Original, Ornamental Design People Plant Patents Conferring to individuals who discover or invent or asexually cultivate any unique new plant species, including hybrids and varieties grown using metamorphosis plants, and new plants found in undeveloped areas The first patent in the United States was at 1790
教学中,常有学生质疑,教师解惑的现象。如何回答学生的提问呢?下面五种是常见的。 第一,直接了当地回答,即学生问什么,教师就答什么。这种一语道破,和盘托出的优点是一针见血