An improved algorithm to estimate the surface soil heat flux over a heterogeneous surface: A case st

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiyouyou
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Surface soil heat flux(G0) is an indispensable component of the surface energy balance and plays an important role in the estimation of surface evapotranspiration(ET). This study calculated G0 in the Heihe River Basin based on the thermal diffusion equation, using the observed soil temperature and moisture profiles, with the aim to analyze the spatial-temporal variations of G0 over the heterogeneous area(with alpine grassland, farmland, and forest). The soil ice content was estimated by the difference in liquid soil water content before and after the melting of the frozen soil and its impact on the calculation of G0 was further analyzed. The results show that:(1) the diurnal variation of G0 is obvious under different underlying surfaces in the Heihe River Basin, and the time when the daily maximum value of G0 occurs is a few minutes to several hours earlier than that of the net radiation flux, which is related to the soil texture, soil moisture, soil thermal properties, and the vegetation coverage;(2) the net radiation flux varies with season and reaches the maximum in summer and the minimum in winter, whereas G0 reaches the maximum in spring rather than in summer, because more vegetation in summer hinders energy transfer into the soil;(3) the proportions of G0 to the net radiation flux are different with seasons and surface types, and the mean values in January are 25.6% at the Arou site, 22.9% at the Yingke site and 4.3% at the Guantan site, whereas the values in July are 2.3%, 1.6% and 0.3%, respectively; and(4) G0 increases when the soil ice content is included in thermal diffusion equation, which improves the surface energy balance closure by 4.3%. Surface soil heat flux (G0) is an indispensable component of the surface energy balance and plays an important role in the estimation of surface evapotranspiration (ET). This study calculated G0 in the Heihe River Basin based on the thermal diffusion equation, using the observed soil temperature and moisture profiles, with the aim to analyze the spatial-temporal variations of G0 over the heterogeneous area (with alpine grassland, farmland, and forest). The soil ice content was estimated by the difference in liquid soil water content before and after the melting of the frozen soil and its impact on the calculation of G0 was further analyzed. The results show that: (1) the diurnal variation of G0 is obvious under different underlying surfaces in the Heihe River Basin, and the time when the daily maximum value of G0 occurs is a few minutes to several hours earlier than that of the net radiation flux, which is related to the soil texture, soil moisture, soil thermal properties, and the vegetat ion coverage; (2) the net radiation flux varies with season and reaches the maximum in summer and the minimum in winter, while G0 reaches the maximum in spring rather than in summer, because more vegetation in summer hinders energy transfer into the soil; ( 3) the proportions of G0 to the net radiation flux are different with seasons and surface types, and the mean values ​​in January are 25.6% at the Arou site, 22.9% at the Yingke site and 4.3% at the Guantan site, while the values in July are 2.3%, 1.6% and 0.3% respectively; and (4) G0 increases when the soil ice content is included in the thermal diffusion equation, which improves the surface energy balance closure by 4.3%.
在历史的长河中,拨开尘封已久的光明,多少风流人物求索其中,看他们尽显智者的风采,展现生命的魅力。回顾历史,我想,当司马迁写完《史记》 In the long history of the world
一    吾大名曰杰,芳龄14,正在实验中学读初一,天生野性,男生说我像男生,女生说我是假小子。  我聪明伶俐,天生一个怪脑瓜子,三岁能识字,五岁读一年级,成绩好得令男生晕倒,数学每次考试都是100分,老师把我含在嘴里怕化了,放在手心怕飞了,那个宠啊!真是要天上的星星,他们就不给月亮。  四年级时,老爸从农村搬到城区,我也转到一所叫四小的学校去读书,那时数学老师对我好得像是我的亲妈妈,我顿时觉得是
江南,明月、清风铸起的沧桑。——题记我的魂,冥冥中丢失在那片温润的土地。如母亲般轻柔的风里,花儿抚过自己的瓣,轻喃:“江南,我的江南。”星星迷离的夜,在无声 Jiangnan,