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  Directions:Read the following passage. The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.
  Weddings are festive times in the United States. The two families plan the wedding and reception together,although the bride’s family generally pays for the wedding. Usually the bride wears a long white gown and veil (面纱) to signify purity,and the groom and his attendants wear tuxedos(无尾晚礼服). Guests generally wear dressy(挺刮的)clothes to the service and reception.
  The reception is a party for the bride and groom after the wedding service to which one must be invited. At the reception,there is a receiving line(迎宾队列)made up of the bride and groom and their families. Guests pass from person to person in the receiving line to give their congratulations and good wishes. Gifts are either sent to the bride’s house before the wedding or brought to the reception.
  At a wedding people often engage in some small talks.
  Before the reception,there may be a conversation like this:
  You:What a handsome couple they make.
  Acquaintance(熟人):Yes,isn’t she a lovely bride!
  You:Do you know where they plan to honeymoon?
  Acquaintance:Yes. I believe they are going to Niagara Falls.
  You:That’s a popular honeymoon spot in the United States,isn’t it?
  Acquaintance:Yes. Where are you from?
  You:I’m from Nigeria.
  Acquaintance:Where do people in your country honeymoon?
  The following conversation might take place in a receiving line at a wedding.
  Acquaintance: Which side of the family are you with?
  You:I’m a friend of the bride.
  Acquaintance:Oh,I’m the groom’s uncle,Jim Martin.
  You:Nice to meet you. I’m Barbara Fields.
  Acquaintance:How do you know the bride?
  You:We went to high school together.
  1. In the United States weddings are prepared_______.
  A. and paid by the brides’ families only
  B. and paid by the grooms’ families only
  C. and paid by both the brides’ and the grooms’ families
  D. by both the brides’ and the grooms’ families but usually paid by the brides’ families
  2. What does the underlined word‘attendants’mean?
  A. It refers to people who work in a shop.
  B. It refers to people who act as waiters.
  C. It refers to people who accompany and help the room at the wedding.   D. It refers to people whose job is to help customers who visit a public place.
  3. What is the best title of the passage?
  A. American Wedding Customs
  B. How the New Couple are Dressed at the Wedding?
  C. What Can Be Talked about at the Wedding?
  D. How a Reception Line is Formed at the Wedding?
  4. Which of the following statements is true?
  A. You may either send your present to the groom’s or the bride’s house before or after the wedding.
  B. The newly?鄄married couple will go honeymoon in Nigeria.
  C. Niagara Falls is the spot where the newly?鄄married couple will go honeymoon.
  D. Brides in the Unites States usually wear red gowns at the wedding to signify luck and happiness.
  1. D。细节题。由文章第二句“The two families plan the wedding and reception together, although the bride’s family generally pays for the wedding.”可得知。
  2. C。细节推理题。由此句“Usually the bride wears a long white gown and veil to signify purity,and the groom and his attendants wear tuxedos.”可推断出画线词为伴郎。
  3. A。主旨大意题。通读全文,可知本篇文章讲述了美国的婚礼习俗。
  4. C。推理判断题。从文章的第一个对话可以推断出。
作 文 题  阅读下面的文字,按要求写文章。  你的生命里,至少有这么一个人,最让你时常想起,挥之不去。是因为与你关系最为密切,还是因为你把他(她)奉为自己的兄弟、姐妹、朋友、导师……  现在,请你写成一篇800字以上的文章,尽可能凸显人物的个性,甚或人性美,能感动人心。  这道作文题,应该写成一篇以写人为主的记叙文。题目要求写“这个人”,那么在选材时就应注意,不要处理成了一群人,或者每一段写一个
我高考的时候,在我们那儿,生物在理综里所占的分值还是72分,没想到距我告别高中没多久,生物这门“理科中的文科”竟然上升到90分了,简直就让我有一种生不逢时的感觉。早知道生物能挤掉物理的分数,我妈就应该把我晚生两年……  尤其记得高三一次月考出成绩,教物理的胖子老师把我拉到办公室,拿着我的理综卷子,算了又算,看了又看,郁结揪心到无以复加:你怎么能让生物考得比物理还高?你对得起我吗?你对得起大家吗? 
词汇反映考生知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量考生英语水平的一个重要标志。根据多年的高考英语阅卷经验,笔者认为,在书面表达中,只要考生使用了高级词汇,即便是一两个,也会令阅卷老师眼睛为之一亮,从而提高作文的得分档次。高级词汇并不是越难越好,越长越好,主要是指那些大部分考生都想不到,但又符合英语习惯表达的词汇。例如:  1. At weekends,we have a lot of homework to
Directions:Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit.  It was once thought that air pollution affected only the ar
I smell summer in the air  ‘Raindrops keep falling on my head’  Kissing my cheeks.  ‘The blues① they send to meet me won’t defeat me’  Frisbee②,Frisbee  Shorts and bare feet chasing the wind  ‘So I ju
“岁月在这儿/温凉如丝却也能灼身/青春是远方流动的河/你要如何原谅时光遗失的过程/要如何才能容忍它发生/要如何才能想而不问……”大学毕业前最后一个暑假的尾声,我终于回到家中,反复听着这首《如何》,浮想联翩。难得的假期所剩无几,歇息之余,亦想对自己做一番整理,为将来的计划理出些头绪——在奋不顾身地奔向未来之前,怎能忍心不再回首看一眼来时的路途?  似乎是因为感知到一年后的不确定性,我和昔日师友频繁地
2013年高考早已进入倒计时,奋斗在高三一线的莘莘学子离梦想的目标越来越近。但你身边或许有这样一群人,他们早早接到了心仪大学的录取通知书,进入“后高三时代”——他们就是保送生。  保送,无疑是进入大学的捷径。你或许常听说又有出色的学长学姐脱离高考苦海,拿到神圣的保送金牌,但他们是怎样获得保送资格的?保送是校长签个字就能拍屁股走人的事吗?你能不能成为保送生?本文为你盘点保送途径,看神人们如何“换种方
文/尹雨薇  她,只是一个平凡的生活在中国社会中下层的女性;她,只是一个为了家庭而拼命工作的女性;但她,却是真正陪伴我长大的女性。她,我的保姆。  在童年的记忆力,我对外婆、奶奶甚至是父母的印象并不深刻,而对于她,记忆却是如刻画般,被深深地刻在我的心上,挥之不去。她有自己的家庭,有自己的孩子,可是正是为了家庭,为了孩子,她来到这里,成为我们家的一员。  是她,用她强壮的手臂抱起幼小多病的我;是她,
作 文 题  请以“两难”为题写一篇记叙文或议论文,不少于800字。  “两难”是生活中不时会遭遇到的一种情境。在这种情境之下,人的内心会有极其复杂的情绪涌动。有时还不一定是正义与邪恶的较量,更让人煎熬的,可能是两方面都是善意的美好的,而自己只能在其中选一个。面临抉择之时的矛盾与挣扎,分析与判断,是完成这道作文题的关键。至于是只展现真实的两难境地,还是说必须要告诉人们该做出何种选择,这倒是不一定的