新疆伊犁南岗建材有限责任公司以改制为契机,强化民主管理,坚持依法治企,激发员工劳动热情,企业效益快速攀升,发展势头强劲。今年上半年生产水泥236 951吨,销售水泥203 031吨,与上年同比分别增长74%和50%,破历史同期最高纪录。 今年上半年。南岗建材公司在本地区遭
Xinjiang Ili Nangang Building Materials Co., Ltd. took the opportunity of restructuring, strengthened democratic management, insisted on managing the enterprise according to the law, and stimulated employees’ labor enthusiasm. The efficiency of the company rose rapidly and the development momentum was strong. In the first half of this year, cement produced 236,951 tons of cement and sales of cement, 203,03 tons, an increase of 74% and 50% respectively year-on-year, breaking the record for the same period in history. first half of this year. Nangang Building Materials Co., Ltd. was attacked in this area