虎鞭者,雄虎的生殖器也。211次列车,在德石线上呼呼地跑。车上的人并不算多——也就是说还有几个空座位。衡水上得人很多,我旁边的座位上坐上了一个南方人模样的人。很多人就没那么好的运气了——只能在通道上站着了。这时候,挤过一个三十岁上下的女人,她用一张皱巴巴的手纸包着一样东西伸在我的眼前,以怯生生、很小的声音说:“要吗?”我张眼一看,纸上呈 S 形放着一样东西,很像一根晒干了的小肠,不过在一头有一个三角形的粗东西,而且上边还有些像草莓刺一样的东西。我不知道这是何物,正想问问,东西却被南方人接了过去。南方人
Tiger Whip who, male tiger genitals also. 211 train, whirring on the Tokushima line to run. There are not many people in the car - that is, there are a few empty seats. Hengshui get a lot of people, I sit next to the seat of a southerner appearance. Many people are not so lucky - they can only stand on the passage. At this time, squeezing a woman up and down in her thirties, she covered the same thing with a piece of crumpled toilet paper in front of me, saying in a timid and small voice: “Do you want me?” A look, the paper was S-shaped like a thing, much like a dried small intestine, but there is a triangle in the rough things, and there are some things like strawberry thorns on the top. I do not know what this is, I was trying to ask, something was taken over by the southerners. Southerners